Wednesday, March 24, 2010


It has officially happened... I have created a blog!!! Whoooooo hoooooo!! Let's get excited y'all.

This was suggested to me by several people and I must say I do not know why I have been holding out. I am so excited to get to share my creative energy with family, friends, prospective clients and just maybe the occasional person that may happen to run across this by accident.

My first priority is to just express some of these crazy ideas that come into my head on a daily basis... It is a crazy world inside my head ;).

Soooooooooo... here goes nothing!!

My crazy thoughts for today are what ways to reach prospective employers... I know that in this day it is even MORE important to make a lasting impression. I personally am looking for a career in Marketing and the NEED to stand out is even more important because ultimately that is what a marketers job is!!!

Thoughts on getting noticed...

Maybe create a "designed" resume. By this I mean a postcard or a direct mailer of sorts selling non other than MYSELF!! My idea is to have a picture of myself split... One side very sophisticated and business orientated and the other side with my hair down and curly showing the creative energy that is inside of me... "Business Experience with Creative Edge".


Have a blessed day and may you thank God daily for your blessings!!

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